January 1 - April 20, 2025

Pick your favorite registered charity and pledge a specific amount for every birdie made at the RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing. Your total donation goes directly to your selected cause. Plus, the Heritage Classic Foundation contributes an extra 20% on top of your total!

Last year, the pros made 1,139, birdies during our PGA TOUR event and we were able to distribute $246,000 to local nonprofits, pushing the total to $7.23 million since 2000. Minimum and maximum pledges are 1 cent to $1 per birdie or flat donations of $25 to $1,500.


January 1 – December 1, 2025
Donate to a registered charity any time and we’ll add an extra 20% to your contribution! Through this year-round support, we’ve distributed more than $20.86 million to local nonprofits since 2013. You can select any participating organization and contribute any amount between $1,000 and $10,000 to receive the 20% match.